
Software Sales


Our Software Sales service offers academic, scientific, technical, and productivity software products for sale to departments, and in some cases individual faculty, staff, and students. It’s essential to refer to each product for detailed availability and pricing information. Please note that the Division of IT does not prorate software purchase costs. All licenses are based on the stated license period and must be renewed annually to maintain access. Additionally, some software may not be available to everyone, we encourage you to review the information for each product carefully prior to requesting any software.

Available Software

AdobeAdobe Acrobat, Creative Cloud, Captivate, Framemaker
Autodesk/AutoCADAutodesk design products
ChemDraw (formerly ChemOffice)Research productivity suite
EndNoteReference management software
ESRIGeographic information system
Grammarly AI-powered writing assistance
GraphPadStatistical and graphing software
MATLABMathematical Matrix Lab for Interactive Computation
Microsoft Client ApplicationsProject, Visio, Visual Studio, Teams Premium, Copilot
Microsoft Server ApplicationsSQL server
MiniTabStatistical Software
NvivoQualitative Analysis software
OriginGraphing and data analysis
QualtricsWeb-based survey tool
SASStatistical Information Delivery System
SnapGenePlan, visualize, and document DNA cloning and PCR
SPSSStatistical Data Analysis
Tableau CreatorAnalytics platform

Technical Support

While our Software Sales team is a point of contact for software purchases, please note that we are not equipped to provide technical support, installation assistance, or troubleshooting services. For any installation help or other technical support needs, please contact your dedicated IT Professional support team. They will be more than happy to help you with any technical challenges you may encounter. You can find their contact information and more details at

Specialized Software-Not Managed by Software Sales

For those needing specialized academic software, it might be beneficial to contact your faculty or teaching assistant for more information. Please note that specialized software is typically purchased by the department and not through software sales staff.

License Policy Information

It is the policy of the University of Missouri to honor software license agreements and to require all users to do likewise. The Division of Information Technology will not knowingly assist in or permit its equipment to be used in violation of such agreements. The software must not be copied or loaned to someone else to copy.

Departmental purchases can be made with a MoCode. The license agreement expires upon the termination of the user’s affiliation with the University of Missouri.

Get StartedFor Qualtrics only

Visit Qualtrics: Online Survey Software.


Departmental purchases must be made using a MoCode. The license agreement expires upon the termination of the user’s affiliation with the University of Missouri. For more information, call Software SalesĀ at 573.882.1694.


Students will be required to log in with your

*S&T, UMSL, and UMKC , please contact your local IT department.

All licenses are for one year, based on the stated license period, and must be renewed annually for the new license period.