IT Accessibility

Ergonomic Evaluations

Experiencing physical discomfort or just want reassurance that your workstation is set up properly? Schedule an Ergonomic Evaluation performed by a Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist at no-charge. The evaluation will help you understand:

  • How to measure a chair for your body type
  • How to sit or stand at the desk for maximum comfort
  • The benefits of taking a break throughout the day

Proper ergonomic posture, whether sitting or standing, can help improve comfort, mood, energy and productivity throughout the day. Visit Components of a Healthy Workstation and Prevent Common Injuries to learn more about how to setup your workstation.

The Process:

An Ergonomic Evaluation is a 30- to 45-minute on-site evaluation performed by a Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist. The evaluation includes:

  • A posture tips guide as a reference
  • A list of stretching exercises
  • Recommendations for improving the setup of the workstation

A written summary of recommendations and resources can be emailed to you or your supervisor upon your request.

Interested in Evaluating your Workstation on your own? Follow the sitting, standing and laptop tips to create a healthy workstation.

Equipment Loans

Interested in an ergonomic keyboard or mouse? The IT Accessibility Center has various models for loan. Make an appointment to look at them and then check them out for a period of time before purchasing one.

Equipment Purchases

Departments or individuals are responsible for any purchases. If approved, purchases can be made through the department. Check out the Ergonomic Products Guide before purchasing any product.

To request an Ergonomic Evaluation, fill out and submit the Ergonomic Evaluation Request form. The IT Accessibility Center will contact you within 48 hours to schedule an appointment.