IT Accessibility

Accessibility Consultations

The IT Accessibility Center provides consultations for MU faculty, staff, and students. All consultations are confidential and can be held in person or through an online meeting (Zoom or Teams).

Consultations include:

Digital Accessibility

The IT Accessibility Center provides Digital Accessibility Consultations as well as Accessibility Reviews to ensure digital (online) content can be used by persons with disabilities. Staff can also help determine whether third-party Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products are accessible to people with disabilities.

Alternative Text Format

An Alternative Text Format Consultation with the IT Accessibility Center is required for students who are requesting alternative format accommodations with the Disability Center. The purpose of the consultation is to determine the most beneficial assistive technology and digital format.

Assistive Technology

Looking for software, hardware or an app that will help with a particular task? The IT Accessibility Center provides Assistive Technology Consultations for anyone with a permanent or temporary disability to assist in making informed choices about assistive technology and to find cost-effective ways to meet their adaptive equipment needs.

Ergonomic Evaluation

Experiencing physical discomfort or just want reassurance that your workstation is set up in a healthy manner? Schedule an Ergonomic Evaluation performed by a Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist.

Please contact the IT Accessibility Center at for more information.