Lower Microsoft 365 Quotas for OneDrive, SharePoint and Exchange coming by end of May

This Spring, a four campus committee led by UM System IT determined that current usage trends across the System show that we will exceed what is provided if there aren’t more conservative limits put in place by the end of May 2024.

As the usage of OneDrive and SharePoint/Teams continues to grow – whether that be organic growth or residual growth from quota limits placed on Google file storage (Drive and Shared Drives) – quota limits are needed to help manage growth in a reasonable way going forward.

Direct management of quotas for Microsoft 365 now will prevent what might be seen as punitive measures in the future. For quite some time, there have already been quotas enforced for Exchange email, and those are to remain the same.

What to expect:

Microsoft 365 users/teams that exceed the quota limits will be grandfathered into exception quota groups like what was done when quota limits were placed on Google users/drives.

Before the start of the Summer semester, the quotas for SharePoint (which includes Teams) and OneDrive will be set to the following:

  • SharePoint/Teams: 5 TB (5,000 GB) which leaves only 18 groups System-wide exceeding the quota to be grandfathered in.
  • OneDrive: 1 TB (1,000 GB) which leaves approximately 100 users System-wide exceeding the quota to be grandfathered in.

May 16, 2024