

Print from your personal computer, laptop or mobile devices to networked printers located in computer labs, libraries, and other campus locations.


The Division of Information Technology (DoIT), in partnership with student government, have adopted printing procedures to reduce waste. Print Smart tracks print usage for MU students.

Students use their non-refundable print allowance to print to numerous on-campus printers; the cost of each print job deducted from that allowance. The student Print Smart allowance is allocated at the beginning of each intersession so if you are enrolled, you can print, including Summer Semester!

Undergrads receive $17.50 for Fall and Spring semester, $7 for Summer semester.

Graduate/Professional students receive $25 for Fall and Spring semester, $7 Summer semester.

Print Smart allowances reset on the first Monday of intersession according to the following schedule:

  • May for the Summer Semester
  • August for the Fall Semester
  • December for the Spring Semester

Price List:

  • 8½ x 11 – Black: 5¢/page
  • 8½ x 11 – w/duplex – Black: 4¢/page
  • 8½ x 11 – Color: 50¢/page
  • 11×17 – Black: 10¢/page
  • 11×17 – Color: $1/page

Students can track usage and remaining semester allowance online. Used up this semester’s allowance? You can add money to your Tigercard account to pay for additional printing.

Due to Print Smart program changes, departments can no longer utilize this printing program. If you need printing resources for visiting groups or campus events, please email

Print job didn’t come out quite right? Request a refund within 72 hours online.

Print Anywhere

Use Print Anywhere from your personal computer or laptop to print to MU network-connected printers using your Print Smart allowance. You can start your print job and pick it up at the designated printer when you need it. But remember, Print Anywhere cannot be used to print to your personal printer. Log in and download print drivers to get started.


Do you need to process print output from PeopleSoft? Then you need InfoPrint! Once your printer is defined, your printer will be available in InfoPrint.

Go to to request Batch Printing. Login to the self-service portal with your University user ID and password, select Service Catalog, and search for Batch Printing. InfoPrint enabled printers must conform to various standards, including supporting PCL 4 or higher, be IP addressable and meet printer naming standards.