Internet & Network

Virtual Private Network


A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private network that connects remote sites or users together using virtual connections routed through the Internet. VPNs add a layer of security by encoding the data one computer is sending to another into a form that only the other computer will be able to decode.


To address performance issues created by the significant increase in remote employees using the VPN service, we have deployed an additional platform to augment the Employee and Generic VPN groups. Please disconnect and reconnect. When reconnecting, change to in the popup connection dialog. 

Note:  Most university resources do NOT require VPN for access: email, OneDrive, PeopleSoft, Zoom, Canvas, etc. For resources needing VPN, click the Details Tab.

During this time of exceptional load, please refrain from using VPN unnecessarily, and disconnect when you complete the task requiring it. In some cases, long-standing sessions may be forced to disconnect to free up resources for users who must use VPN to complete tasks.

If you experience issues on the new platform, please report them to the DoIT Tech Support.  

If you need to download the VPN AnyConnect client, go to If you need additional instructions on downloading the VPN client, go to Log in to the self-service portal with your University user id and password, select Service Catalog, and search for VPN.

There are two types of connections:

  • Generic: This group gives access to basic services on campus and can be used by any active faculty, staff, students, and consultants.
  • Employee: This group can only be used by University employees and gives slightly more access than the Generic group.