InfoSec Resources

Allowlist Approval Process

The Division of IT uses spam filtering tools on the University’s email system to block millions of unwanted inbound emails, also known as junk mail. However, these spam filtering tools also cause some legitimate emails to be blocked. An allowlist is an exception list that allows emails from selected senders to make it through the spam filters. 

University employees should work with their departmental IT Pro to request an email address be placed on the allowlist. The IT pro will need to submit the following information with the request: 

  • The email address to be allowed
  • The reason and/or purpose for the request 
  • What is the expected effect of the request on the University? For instance, how many users will receive emails from the sender, what type(s) of users (faculty/staff and students) are involved and does the request require additional business units? 
  • The IP address(es) that need(s) to be allowed. The IP should be a single address or the smallest IP range to complete the job. 

Please note: a request to allowlist an email address is not a guarantee it will be approved. Preemptive entries in our whitelist are no longer approved unless there are extenuating circumstances. However, your request will be reviewed if you have observed or are aware of active issues with email delivery. If the sender is using an email service that has been blocklisted, it may not be possible for the Division of IT to grant your request. 

If you have any questions about this process, please contact