
Application Development

Streamline your workflow with a custom application!

Are you an MU, MU Health Care or UM System department, or student group?

Is your team bogged down by manual processes and outdated software? Do you dream of a solution that perfectly fits your needs – for research, teaching, service, or economic development?

We can help! The Division of IT offers custom web and mobile application development tailored to your department’s specific goals.


  • Effortlessly managing your data and automating repetitive tasks.
  • Boosting efficiency and freeing up your time for what matters most.
  • Gaining valuable insights with customized Power BI reports and visualizations provided by MU Analytics.

We offer flexible pricing options to fit your budget, as well as ongoing support to ensure your application continues to meet your needs far into the future.

Ready to discuss your project? Click the button below to request a free consultation and let’s build something amazing together!